Children’s PFD loaner program.
The Kids Don’t Float program features free day-use of PFDs for children. The loaner station is a large board with colourful graphics along with a supply of children’s PFDs. These boards are installed at marinas, boat launching ramps, parks and swimming areas. Kids Don’t Float is run on an honour system – use them for your boating enjoyment and return them when your day on the water is done..
Loaner stations for children’s PFDs are popular throughout the province and RCM-SAR stations receive many requests for new locations. By the end of 2005 there were 14 KFD boards set up across the province. More recently, Mustang Survival, a manufacturer of personal safety equipment, has joined us as a partner to supply the program with additional PFDs. In time, there will be 25 boards set up in the province.
The RCMP has also joined the Kids Don’t Float program to place stations in remote communities on the coast. The purpose of this joint effort is to encourage more children in the remote areas to wear a PFD while on the water. The program gives the RCMP an opportunity to develop a non-enforcement profile with the children and youth in these communities while providing an important service.